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My license is already activated, but KOMPAS-3D starts in demo-mode
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::KOMPAS options, system FAQ 08/15/2011 12:14
KOMPAS-3D - Minimal hardware requirements
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::KOMPAS options, system FAQ 08/11/2011 13:28
Impossible to run video in KOMPAS ABC, pictures are invisible.
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::KOMPAS options, system FAQ 07/08/2008 13:16
Properties bar has jumped in pop-up mode. How to set Properties bar always visible?
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::KOMPAS options, system FAQ 07/04/2008 17:55
There are foreign characters in the text during importing MS DOS text file into KOMPA[...]
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::Import/export FAQ 07/04/2008 17:52
Impossible to print A0-drawing by Plotter with 1:1 printing scale
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::Plotting FAQ 07/04/2008 17:50

Latest updated FAQ articles

My license is already activated, but KOMPAS-3D starts in demo-mode
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::KOMPAS options, system FAQ 06/09/2021 19:11
KOMPAS-3D - Minimal hardware requirements
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::KOMPAS options, system FAQ 12/26/2019 19:41
Impossible to run video in KOMPAS ABC, pictures are invisible.
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::KOMPAS options, system FAQ 02/25/2010 18:51
How to change radii of several circles at once?
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::Modelling and editing operations FAQ 02/25/2010 18:32
How to create a number of concentric arcs of equal central angles?
FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D FAQ::Modelling and editing operations FAQ 02/25/2010 18:20


Name Comment Subcategories FAQ Articles
Import/export FAQ Questions and answers of Import/export 0 1
KOMPAS options, system FAQ Questions and answers of KOMPAS options, system 0 4
Measurement FAQ Questions and answers of Measurement 0 1
Modelling and editing operations FAQ Questions and answers of Modelling and editing operations 0 10
Plotting FAQ Questions and answers of Plotting 0 5
Styles, types FAQ Questions and answers of Styles and types 0 1
Text input and editing FAQ Questions and answers of Text input and editing 0 2

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