An application uses OpenMP API to improve performance on a computer with multiple cores/processors. High CPU usage may occur when starting and running the application. This problem occurs because of the behavior of waiting threads. The behavior of waiting threads is adjusted by the system environment variable OMP_WAIT_POLICY.
The value of this environment variable takes the form: ACTIVE | PASSIVE
The ACTIVE value specifies that waiting threads should mostly be active, i.e., consume processor cycles, while waiting.
The PASSIVE value specifies that waiting threads should mostly be passive, i.e., not consume processor cycles, while waiting.
The system variable OMP_WAIT_POLICY is ACTIVE by default.
For correct work of the application, the system variable OMP_WAIT_POLICY should be set to PASSIVE. When you install the application automatically, the Renga Architecture installer creates a variable name OMP_WAIT_POLICY and assigns it a PASSIVE value.
If thesystem variableOMP_WAIT_POLICYis not listed of the system variables, pleasecreate itwith the PASSIVE value
If thesystem variableOMP_WAIT_POLICYis listed of the system variables anddescribedthe problemstilloccurs, pleasecheck the correctvalue (should bePASSIVE) and thecorrectname ofthe system variable(spelled correctly,there are no spaces, etc.)