ATTENTION: The trial license does not work in a virtual machine and over remote access using the RDP protocol. To connect remotely to a PC where the trial version is installed, use the VNC protocol.
KOMPAS-3D must be installed before the activation of the evaluation license.
Run the kActivation v4 utility, this can be done from KOMPAS-3D (Menu: Help > The security key utility...)
1. Activation via the Internet
2. Activation of the trial license on a PC without an Internet connection
1. Activation via the Internet
In the activation utility, select the
TRIAL LICENSE menu and click on the
KOMPAS-3D trial (
click to get a license)

Enter your email address and click
Restart KOMPAS-3D
2. Activation of the trial license on a PC without an Internet connection
1) Create a request file on a PC without an Internet connection
2) On a PC connected to the Internet, using the request file, create a license file.
3) Apply the license file to a PC without an Internet connection.
In the activation utility, select the
TRIAL LICENSE menu and click the
Offline Activation button
In the list of available Trial Licenses, select the required trial license and in the window that appears, specify the path to save the request file. Copy the received request file to a PC with an Internet connection
On a PC with an Internet connection.
In the activation utility, select the
TRIAL LICENSE menu, click the
Offline Activation button and then
Activate *.tralrequest file
Specify the email address, click Activate, and in the window that appears, specify the path to save the license file. Copy the license file to a PC without an Internet connection.
On a PC without an Internet connection.
In the activation utility, select the
TRIAL LICENSE menu, click the
Offline Activation button and then the
Apply .triallicense and in the window that appears, specify the path to the license file.