Installing the Guardant Control Center (Guardant License Manager).
Install the Guardant Control Center (Guardant license manager) only on the license server.
Do not install the Guardant Control Center on workstations, this may affect the speed of searching for the license server.
1.Download the distribution package of the GuardantControlCenterlicensemanagerforyouroperatingsystem:
2.Perform the installationfollowing the instructions of the windowsinstallerorinstall the appropriatepackageforyourversion of LinuxOS
3.Open the Webinterface of the GuardantControlCenterhttp://localhost:3189andchangethedefaultpasswordtoyourpassword.To do this,gotosettings(geariconin the rightcorner)
Enter the defaultpasswordadmin
Select the Passwordtab,enter a newpassword, andclickSubmit.
4.Port3189on the serverwheregcc is installedmustbeaccessiblefromworkstations that receivelicensesover the networkfromthislicensemanager.