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FAQ#7001619: KOMPAS-3D V23. Incorrect display of some dialogs and windows on a PC running Windows 7

Keywords: KOMPAS-3D Windows 7 Dialogs Created: 2024-10-24 14:56:32
Linked Articles: Changed: 2024-10-24 15:09:27
Attachment: UI_win7.7z (6.8 MBytes)


Some dialogs in KOMPAS-3D v23 are not displayed or are displayed incorrectly on a PC running Windows 7. For example, the dialog for selecting the BOM section does not appear.



Possible solutions to the problem:
 1. Upgrade Windows to Windows 10 or Windows 11 and install the latest updates for the specified OS.
 2. Download and unzip the patch archive attached to this article. Copy all patch files and replace them into the Bin folder of the KOMPAS-3D v23 installed on the PC.