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FAQ#7001558: Activating and updating the Guardant SDK license in the kActivation utility

Keywords: Created: 2024-03-11 23:24:11
Linked Articles: Changed: 2025-01-10 16:32:07


Instructions for using kActivation utility version 4.0 and higher.
The utility is designed to work with Guardant hardware and software keys for ASCON software.


Attention: To activate and update keys in the Linux OS family, use the Guardant License Wizard utility
The current version of the activation utility for Windows OS (x64 only):
Before using, extract the utility files from the archive.

1. Online Activation
Select the menu item "ACTIVATION" 
Enter or copy your serial number into the input field and click Next.

Enter the email address to which the serial number will be linked and click Activate

2. Online license update
Select the menu item "LICENSE UPDATE"
In the list of keys, click on the key you want to update.