Please, pay attention that now you are in public part of FAQ-Area. Register and find more FAQ-articles in Personal Cabinet.
FAQ# | Title | Category | Changed |
7001157 | Sentinel SL licensing keys activation, license transfer[...] | FAQ in English::Software Protection | 2020-04-08 19:20:39 |
7001135 | Консольное приложение для работы с ключами Sentinel HASP | База знаний (FAQ)::Работа ПО АСКОН в ОС Linux | 2022-01-28 19:45:37 |
7001084 | Error 48 or 56 occured in activation | FAQ in English::Software Protection | 2022-03-25 10:32:12 |
700708 | What is KOMPAS-3D Vx Home product key? | FAQ in English::KOMPAS-3D Home | 2021-06-09 19:49:23 |
700483 | How can I activate my Sentinel key or update its licens[...] | FAQ in English::Software Protection | 2021-06-09 15:36:02 |